Martine van der Pluijm

AT HOME IN LANGUAGE Design and evaluation of a partnership program for teachers with lower-educated parents in support of their young children’s language development Martine van der Pluijm The research presented in this thesis was conducted with the support of a PhD voucher from Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. This thesis is printed on recycled paper. Kenniscentrum Talentontwikkeling Cover design: James Jardine | Layout: James Jardine | Photography: Atelier van de Verbeelding and Taalfotografie Print: Ridderprint | ISBN: 978-94-6416-091-8 © 2020 Martine van der Pluijm All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, without written permission from the author.