Martine van der Pluijm

35 Activities and strategies – a review of empirical interventions or “That’s right, you know that very well!” Print and code awareness strategies aim to involve children to talk about written language, such as the letters and sounds of words. Examples include “What is the first letter of bear?” and “Do you know a word that sounds like bear?” Table 2.3 shows the six modes of delivery of the activities and strategies used in all selected studies. The first mode is related to communication with parents. Reciprocal communication refers to building relationships with parents and relating to the perspectives of families. Frequency of communication is coded as frequent if parent coaching took place at least once a month. The second mode is related to the type of adaptation. Fixed by researchers refers to activities that were provided to all parents in the same way. Adapted to families refers to when family situations were used as the starting point to deliver the strategies, for instance, dinner time or talking about the school day. The third mode comprises all additional activities to provide training, such as workshops and conferences. The fourth mode includes coaching sessions with child participation such as home visits (when parent and child practice together with a coach at home), school activities (when parents and children practice an activity at school), or parent-child activities using modeling techniques. The fifth mode refers to various types of coaching strategies such as providing feedback during or after activities. The final mode refers to who trained the parents; teachers, researchers, or other coaches, such as well- trained parent educators and trained parents.