Martine van der Pluijm

37 Activities and strategies – a review of empirical interventions TABLE 2.1: Continued No. Reference Design n = Age child Type intervention Duration Education level % Language minorities % Bilingual Posttest Sign. Effects Effect size if sign. 7 Chow & McBride- Chang (2003) Exp 1 DR, Exp 2 usual book reading 1 control RA 86 4-7 Shared reading/ DR 8 weeks Mixed * 100% Chinese Y Standardized test Chinese L1 1. receptive vocabulary (PPVT) 2. preschool and primary Chinese literacy scale ((PPCLS) exp1 >con d =0,47 8 Chow et al. (2008) Exp 1: DR, Exp 2: DR + morphological training, exp 3: usual book reading 1 con RA 148 4-7 Shared reading/ DR 12 weeks Mixed* 100% Chinese Y Standardized test Chinese L1 1. receptive vocabulary exp1>con, exp3 d =0,59 Exp1 v. c d =0,49 exp1 v. exp3 9 Jiménez et al. (2006) 1 exp 16 7-8 Shared reading/ DR 10 weeks 100% HS and less 88% Spanish Y Amount of oral language production L1 1. amount of word tokens 2. amount of word types 3. type-token ratio Amount of child participation 4. amount of turn-taking 5. mean length of turns 6. relative child participation compared to parent growth growth growth growth growth growth 10 Kagitcibasi et al. (2001) 1 exp 1 control NRA 280/217 3-5 Other home activities 2 years 100% HS and less 0 NA Standardized test: 1. vocabulary (6-year delay) exp>con 11 Kupzyk, Banks, & Chadwell (2016) 1 exp 7 2-4 Other home activities 14 weeks 100% HS and less 100% African refugees Y Standardized test L2: 1. receptive vocabulary growth