Martine van der Pluijm

39 Activities and strategies – a review of empirical interventions TABLE 2.1: Continued No. Reference Design n = Age child Type intervention Duration Education level % Language minorities % Bilingual Posttest Sign. Effects Effect size if sign. 15 Pelletier & Corter (2005) Exp 1: readiness center, Exp 2: other preschool programme experience) 1 con (no intervention) NRA 186 4 Other home activities 12 weeks 59% > HS 41% HS and less** 22% Indian 9% Tamil 4% Chinese 17% Other Y (when possible) Standardized test L2 1. Early Development Instrument (incl. vocabulary) Ratings oral language 2. parent ratings of early development exp 1, exp2 >con exp1>exp2, con 16 Plata Potter (2013) 1 exp (3 cohorts) 103 3-5 Other home activities 2 years 23% > HS 77% HS and less 59% SP Y Pre-K early literacy assessment 1.PALS L2 Standardized tests 2. receptive vocabulary L2 3. early literacy L1/L2 neg. growth 17 Reese et al. (2010) exp 1: DR, exp 2: conversation about past events 1 con RA 33 4-5 1 group shared reading/ DR, 1 group other home activities NR 100% HS and less 48% Hispa-nic, Albanian, French, Arabic, African American Y Standardized test 1. productive vocabulary Curriculum dependent test 2. story recall, 3. narrative quality 4. story comprehension exp2>exp1 exp2>con, exp1 18 Rolla San Francisco et al. (2006) Exp: family intervention 1 con RA 210 5-6 Other home activities 8 weeks 100% HS and less 0 NA Standardized test 1. productive vocabulary 2. phonological awareness 19 Ryan (2005) 1 exp 1 control NRA 52 4 Other home activities 1 year 100% HS and less 100% Hispanic Y Pre-K early literacy assessment 1. PALS L2 exp>con d =0.77 20 Sheridan et al. (2011) 1 exp 1 con RA 217 3-5 Other home activities 2 years 61.1% > HS 37.9% HS and less 26,5% Hispanic, 17.5% African, 2.8% Indian, 21.3% other NR Standardized test L1/L2: 1. productive vocabulary Ratings oral language: 2. rating by teachers exp>con d = 1.11