Martine van der Pluijm

41 Activities and strategies – a review of empirical interventions TABLE 2.1: Continued No. Reference Design n = Age child Type intervention Duration Education level % Language minorities % Bilingual Posttest Sign. Effects Effect size if sign. 27 Van Tuijl et al. (2001) Exp 1: Turkish parents bilingual programme, Exp 2: Moroccan group Dutch version 1 control NRA 319 4-6 Other home activities 2 years 100% HS and less 57% Turkish 43% Moroccan Y for Turkish N for Moroccan Standardized test L2 1 receptive vocabulary L2 2. productive vocabulary L2 Standardized test L1 3. receptive vocabulary 4. productive vocabulary Delayed posttest (After 2 years and 6 years) 5. oral language development 28 Zhang et al. (2010) Exp 1: mainly low educated group, Exp 2: mostly higher educated group, Exp 3: mixed educated group) 42 4-5 Other home activities 8 weeks 1st group 7% >HS 93% HS and less 2nd group: 55% > HS 45% HS and less 3rd group: 41%> HS 59% HS and less 100% Chinese Y Standardized test 1. receptive vocabulary English L2 2. receptive vocabulary Chinese L1 3. productive vocabulary English L2 4. productive vocabulary L1 Delayed posttest: 5. productive vocabulary English L2 6. productive vocabulary L1 growth in exp 2> exp1 growth in exp2> exp1 * Exact percentages of education levels at and below HS level and higher are not reported. **Exact percentages of education levels received from the first author. Abbreviations: exp=experiment group; con=control group; RA=Random Assignment; NRA: no Random Assignment , DR= Dialogic Reading, SR=Story Reading, HS=High school; Y=yes, N=no, NA= Not applicable; NR=Not reported; L1= first language of minorities, L2= second language or dominant language, <= smaller than, >=more than, d = Cohen’s d; es = eta squared; pes = partial eta squared.