Martine van der Pluijm

44 Chapter 2 TABLE 2.2: Continued No. Reference Shared reading Other home activities Reading activity Oral language strategies Responsive communication strategies Print and code awareness strategies Activity type Oral language strategies Responsive communication strategies Print and code awareness strategies 17 Reese et al. (2010) A: 1 dr DR Complete, recall question, decontext, prompt, evaluate, expand, repeat Follow, encourage B: 1 reminiscing Talk about past events during daily situations Complete, recall question, decontext, prompt, evaluate, expand, repeat Follow, encourage 18 Rolla San Francisco et al. (2006) Talk, make word webs during book reading, talk activities during mealtime. Question, associate, vocabulary, expand, discuss, decontext Letter, phonemics 19 Ryan (2005)* Talk, play and read related to daily situations Vocabulary, expand NS NS 20 Sheridan et al. (2011) Talk and play during daily situations Question and wait, prompt to respond and wait Affective responsive behavior, Cognitive, responsive behavior 21 Sim et al. (2014) A. story reading SR Discuss title, question, expand, repeat Follow, encourage B. story reading and print SR Discuss title, question, expand, repeat Follow, encourage Phonemics, letter, print, rhyme 22 St Clair et al. (2006) Talk and play activities at home, related to daily situations Vocabulary, expand NS Letter, rhyme 23 Strouse (2011) (4 interventions: A. dialogic questioning, direct, video, actress) Talk activities related to video stories Complete, recall questions, decontext, prompt, evaluate, expand, repeat Follow encourage B. directed attention Talk activities (video) Comment Redirecting C. regular video (control) Talk activities (video)