Martine van der Pluijm

CHAPTER 1. General introduction: Adapting to lower-educated parents in support of child language development 11 CHAPTER 2. Activities and strategies for lower-educated parents to promote oral language development of their children. A review of empirical interventions 25 CHAPTER 3. Creating partnerships between schools and lower-educated parents to enhance young children´s language development. A formative evaluation 59 CHAPTER 4. How can teachers build partnerships with lower-educated parents in support of young children’s oral language development? Evaluation of an adaptive program 91 CHAPTER 5. At Home in Language: How to support lower-educated parents in stimulating their young children’s oral language development? 123 CHAPTER 6. Summary and general discussion: Reflecting on At Home in Language 153 References Samenvatting (Summary in Dutch) About the author Dankwoord (Acknowledgements in Dutch) 187 215 225 231