Cindy Boer

Hand osteoarthritis and Matrix-Gla Protein | 125 3.1 ▲ Figure 3: Allelic imbalanced expression of MGP marked by the alleles among heterozygotes of rs1800801 (a), in the assessed cartilage RNA sequencing dataset. Validation of selected rs1800801 us- ing a custom TaqMan assay confirmed the imbalance (b). Allelic imbalance was also assessed with a custom TaqMan assay in subchondral bone samples (C). Preserved (P) and OA lesioned (OAL) samples are shown respectively in blue and red, and genomic DNA (TaqMan control) in black (G). For ASE results for rs4236 and rs1049879, see Supplementary Figure 3 and for information on the samples, see Supple- mentary Table 2 ASE, allele-specific expression; MGP, matrix Gla protein; OA, osteoarthritis.