Cindy Boer

140 | Chapter 3.2 Table 2: Association between acenocoumarol use and risk of OA progression in RSI and RSII Overall Osteoarthritis Progression Overall progression of Knee Osteoarthritis Overall progression of Hip Osteoarthritis Joints N* Progression N (%) OR 95% CI p-value Joints N* Progression N (%) OR 95% CI p-value Joints N* Progression N (%) OR 95% CI p-value Non-users 12,594 506 (4.0%) 1 - - 6,162 329 (5.3%) 1 6,432 177 (2.8%) 1 - - Users 863 94 (10.9%) 2.50 1.94- 3.20 9.0x10 -13 426 55 (12.9%) 2.34 1.69- 3.22 2.4x10 -07 437 39 (8.9%) 2.74 1.82- 4.11 1.2x10 -06 Duration of Acenocoumarol usage Non users 12,594 506 (4.0%) 1 - - 6,162 329 (5.3%) 1 - - 6,432 177 (2.8%) 1 - - ≤ 180 days 279 35 (12.5%) 2.82 1.90- 4.20 3.3x10 -07 144 15 (10.4%) 1.78 1.01- 3.18 4.8x10 -02 135 20 (14.8%) 4.84 2.73- 8.56 5.9x10 -08 ≤ 556 days 285 36 (12.6%) 2.94 2.00- 4.32 3.8x10 -08 135 20 (14.8%) 2.69 1.62- 4.46 1.2x10 -04 150 16 (10.7%) 3.33 1.79- 6.18 1.4x10 -04 >556 days 299 23 (7.7%) 1.74 1.10- 2.76 1.9x10 -02 147 20 (13.6%) 2.65 1.57- 4.46 2.5x10 -04 152 3 (2.0%) 0.27 0.18- 1.85 0.35 Overall progression of Osteoarthritis(OA) in RS-I and RS-II within the follow-up time associated with acenocoumarol use. Model used is a GEE (Generalized Estimated Equations) multivariate logistic regression model including acenocoumarol use and adjusted for age, sex, BMI, smoking, time between baseline and follow-up visit, baseline OA severity in Kellgren-Lawrence score, joint modeled, lower limb disability, femoral neck BMD, HDL/total cholesterol ratio, physical activity, education lev- el, hypertension, diabetes mellites and Rotterdam Study cohort. OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval, Progression: number of joints showing overall progression of either hip or knee joints or both. OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval, Progression: number of joints showing overall progression of either hip or knee joints or both. *Number of individual knee and/or hip joints studied from RSI and RSII, excluding joints at baseline with a KL-score =4, a total joint replacement or missing radio- graph (n=1,262 joints).