Cindy Boer

Vitamin K Antagonist Anticoagulants and Osteoarthritis | 151 3.2 Table S1: Distribution of VKORC1 H-haplotype in the Rotterdam Study Cohorts * for each haplotype the ten investigated single nucleotide variants (SNVs) are listed in sequential or- der along the VKORC1 gene, alleles are coded to the plus-strand, and match the Haplotypes reported on PHARMGKB: rs7196161, rs17880887, rs17881535, rs9923231, rs2884737, rs17708472, rs9934438, rs8050894, s2359612 and rs7294. † Haplotypes have been calculated on all individuals of whom genotype information was available, not only individuals included in our acenocoumarol study population. The total number of haplotypes is twice the number of individuals examined. ‡ The H10 VKORC1 haplotype has not been described previously 6 . § Other haplotypes consist of another 16 haplotypes, occurring on average only once in either RS-I or RS-II. RS: Rotterdam Study, VKORC1 : Vitamin K Epoxide Reductase Complex 1, H: haplotype