Cindy Boer

152 | Chapter 3.2 Table S2: Association between acenocoumarol use and risk of overall OA progression in RSI and RSII separately Overall progression of Osteoarthritis(OA) in RS-I and RS-II within the follow-up time associated with acenocoumarol use. Model used is a GEE (Generalized Overall progression of Osteoarthritis(OA) in RS-I and RS-II within the follow-up time associated with acenocoumarol use. Model used is a GEE (Generalized Es- timated Equations) multivariate logistic regression model including acenocoumarol use and adjusted for age, sex, BMI, smoking, time between baseline and follow-up visit, baseline OA severity in Kellgren-Lawrence score, joint modeled, lower limb disability, femoral neck BMD, HDL/total cholesterol ratio, physical activity, education level, hypertension and diabetes mellites. OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval, Progression: number of joints showing overall progression of either hip or knee joints or both. *Number of individual knee and/or hip joints studied from RS-I and RS-II. RS-I: Overall progression of Osteoarthritis RS-II: Overall progression of Osteoarthritis Acenocoumarol usage Joints N* Progression N (%) OR 95% CI p-value Joints N* Progression N (%) OR 95% CI p-value Non-users 10,196 500 (4.9%) 1 - - 3,668 117 (3.2%) 1 - - Users 938 119 (12.7%) 2.33 1.85 - 294 1.1*10 -12 171 23 (13.5%) 3.42 1.96 - 6.02 1.6*10 -05 ≤ 180 days 305 43 (14.1%) 2.64 1.84 - 3.78 1.3*10 -07 52 7 (13.5%) 4.54 1.88 - 10.99 7.9*10 -04 ≤ 556 days 305 47 (15.4%) 2.56 1.80 - 3.65 1.9*10 -07 64 11 (17.2%) 5.01 2.42 - 10.73 1.8*10 -05 >556 days 328 29 (8.8%) 1.74 1.14 - 2.66 1.1*10 -02 55 5 (9.1%) 1.26 0.42 - 3.72 6.8*10 -01 RS-I: Overall progression of Knee Osteoarthritis RS-II: Overall progression of Knee Osteoarthritis Non-users 4.953 319 (6.4%) 1 - - 1,749 82 (4.7%) 1 - - Users 474 65 (13.7%) 1.99 1.46 - 2.72 1.3*10 -05 80 9 (11.3%) 1.95 0.87 - 4.37 1.1*10 -01 ≤ 180 days 159 21 (13.2%) 1.87 1.15 - 3.04 1.1*10 -02 25 2 (8.0%) 1.89 0.42 - 8.54 4.1*10 -01 ≤ 556 days 151 23 (15.2%) 2.00 1.22 - 3.30 5.9*10 -03 30 3 (10.0%) 1.96 0.56 - 6.88 3.0*10 -01 >556 days 164 21 (12.8%) 2.09 1.23 - 3.57 6.6*10 -03 25 4 (16.0%) 1.72 0.53 - 5.62 3.7*10 -01 RS-I: Overall progression of Hip Osteoarthritis RS-II: Overall progression of Hip Osteoarthritis Non-users 5,243 181 (3.4%) 1 - - 1,837 35 (1.9%) 1 - - Users 464 54 (11.6%) 2.81 1.95 - 4.06 3.3*10 -08 91 14 (15.4%) 7.25 2.91 - 18.05 2.1*10 -05 ≤ 180 days 146 22 (15.1%) 4.25 2.47 - 7.30 1.6*10 -07 27 5 (18.5%) 12.00 3.68 - 39.15 3.8*10 -05 ≤ 556 days 154 24 (15.6%) 3.33 1.91 - 5.81 2.2*10 -05 34 8 (23.5^) 13.09 3.61 - 47.42 9.0*10 -05 >556 days 164 8 (4.9%) 1.15 0.54 - 2.44 7.2*10 -01 30 1 (3.3%) 1.23 0.14 - 11.07 8.5*10 -01