Cindy Boer

Vitamin K Antagonist Anticoagulants and Osteoarthritis | 153 3.2 Supplementary Table S3: Association between acenocoumarol and VKORC1 haplotypes and MGP genotypes Acenocoumarol use Joints* Progression OR 95% CI P-value High VKORC1 haplotype and MGP risk allele status Non users VKORC1 AA/AB and MGP A/A 2,745 118 (4.3%) 1 - - Non users VKORC1 AA/AB and MGP T/* 4,515 160 (3.5%) 0.85 0.67-1.09 0.19 Non users VKORC1 BB and MGP A/A 1,780 87 (4.9%) 1.15 0.86-1.54 0.38 Non users VKORC1 BB and MGP T/* 2,668 114 (4.3%) 1.01 0.78-1.33 0.89 Users VKORC1 AA/AB and MGP A/A 165 13 (7.8%) 1.72 0.93-3.19 8.5x10 -02 Users VKORC1 AA/AB and MGP T/* 304 27 (8.9%) 1.96 1.21-3.00 5.4x10 -03 Users VKORC1 BB and MGP A/A 117 11 (9.4%) 2.35 1.21-4.56 1.1x10 -02 Users VKORC1 BB and MGP T/* 188 31 (16.5%) 4.18 2.69-6.50 1.8x10 -10 Overall progressionofOsteoarthritis(OA) inRS-I andRS-IIwithin the follow-uptimeassociatedwithaceno- coumaroluse.ModelusedisaGEE(GeneralizedEstimatedEquations)multivariatelogisticregressionmodel includingacenocoumaroluseandadjustedforage,sex,BMI,smoking,timebetweenbaselineandfollow-up visit, baseline OA severity in Kellgren-Lawrence score, joint modeled, femoral neck BMD, HDL/total cho- lesterol ratio, physical activity, education level, hypertension, diabetes mellites and Rotterdam Study Co- hort.OR :oddsratio,CI:confidenceinterval,Progression:numberofjointsshowingoverallOAprogression. *Number of individual Knee and Hip Joints studied from RSI and RSII, excluding all joints of individuals with lower limb disability (n = 514).