Cindy Boer

Genetics of Osteoarthritis Consortium GWAS Meta-Analyses | 173 4.1 ▲ Figure 3: Heatmap depicting tissue-specific gene-regulatory region enrichment significance(-log10 p-value) for all osteoarthritis(OA) GWAS phenotypes. Tissue/cell type (full name, E-identifier, group name) and P value (−log10) of most significant enrichments (p-value≤1.3*10-08) are shown. Enrichment was calculated using all OA associated lead SNVs and the fine mapped variants, per OA phenotype and all together. Only rows and columns containing a significant enrichment( p-value≤1.3x10-8) for all OA phenotypes (Total) are shown, see supplementary table xx for a full matrix of all 127 examined cell and tissue types. OA: osteoartritis.