Cindy Boer

The Gut Microbiome of Childen and Adults | 217 5.1 ▲ Figure 3: Comparison of the gut microbiome diversity and composition between adults (RS) and children (GenR) . (A) boxplots of the Shannon diversity Index. (B) ordination plot of the gut microbiome composition in the two cohorts based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities. The centroid and dispersion of each cohort is represented by the cohort name and ellipses, respectively. Clustering of RS and GenR was tested for significance using PERMANOVA. (C) Circular representation of the taxonomic tree of the microbiome compositions of the two cohorts. Each node represents one taxon at different taxonomic level. Orange nodes are the taxa that were observed with higher abundance in the GenR cohort and green nodes represent the taxa that were higher abundant in the RS cohort. (D) The genera represented the most in each cohort. On the x-axis the arcsine squared root transformed coefficients of the most significantly abundant genera in each cohort are shown. Orange bars represent GenR and green bars represent RS. Minus signs in the x-axis are used only for visualization.