Cindy Boer

218 | Chapter 5.1 ▲ Figure 4: Predicted functional composition of metagenomes based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing data from GenR and RS cohorts. LEfSe based on the PICRUSt dataset revealed differentially enriched metabolic pathways associated with GenR (orange) or RS (green). Discussion In this publication we report on the 16S stool microbiota profiles of 3,538 subjects from two large, deeply phenotyped and well-characterized population-based cohorts: the Generation R (GenR) Study and the Rotterdam Study (RS). The 16S microbiome datasets originated from both children (GenR: n=2,111) and adults (RS: n=1,427) populations. In general, the stool microbiota within RS had similar profiles as profiles in the previously published LLDand FGFP cohorts[40-42]. Similarly, our GenR stool microbiota possessed similar profiles as those observed in the COPSAC cohort[39]. Further, both of