Cindy Boer

88 | Chapter 2.1 (H3K4me3, H3K4me1, H3K36me3, H3K27me3, H3K9me3) and an additional H3K27ac histone mark, the Roadmap expanded 18-state model. ChIPseq data of mesenchymal stem cell derived chondrocyte cultured cells, and bone marrow derived cultured mesenchymal stem cells were generated by the NHI roadmap epigenomics project [28]. ChIPseq data of, Osteoblast, K562, HUVEC, HeLA and NHEK cells were generated by the ENCODE consortium[26]. All data and annota- tion tracks were downloaded through the UCSC genome browser table tool. Visualiza- tion of all ChIPseq annotation and roadmap full epigenomes tracks was done through the UCSC genome browser on GRCh37/hg19. Heatmaps were plotted in R using the CRAN software packages gplots and RcolorBrewer. Enrichment was calculated accord- ing to methods described in Trynka et al[25]. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the study participants, the staff from the Rotterdam Study and the participating general practitioners and pharmacists. We thank Mr. Pascal Arp, Ms. Mila Jhamai, and Mr. Marijn Verkerk for their help in creating the RS-Exome Sequencing database. We thank Pascal Arp, Mila Jhamai, Marijn Verkerk, Lizbeth Herrera and Marjolein Peters, MSc, and Carolina Medina-Gomez, MSc, for their help in creating the GWAS database, and Karol Estrada, PhD, Yurii Aulchenko, PhD, and Carolina Medina-Gomez, MSc, for the creation and analysis of imputed data. Supplementary Material Additional material, as well as a funding statement, is published online only, to view please visit the paper online at the journal website: /journal.pgen.1006260