Feline Lindhout

116 4 Figure 2. SCRN1 is recruited to VAP at the ER membrane A . Localization of GFP-SCRN1 and TagRFP-ER in hippocampal neurons (DIV16–18). Scale bars: 10 μm (bottom panel, full size) and 5 μm (top panel; bottom panel, zoom). B. Localization of GFP-SCRN1 and ssRFP-KDEL in COS7 cells with normalized intensity plot of indicated line (dotted). Scale bars: 10 μm (full size) and 5 μm (zoom). C. Hippocampal neurons (DIV16) co-expressing GFP-SCRN1 with HA-VAPA or HA-VAPB. Scale bars: 10 μm (full size) and 5 μm (zoom). D. COS7 cells co-expressing GFP-SCRN1 with HA-VAPA or HA-VAPB with normalized intensity plot of indicated line (dotted). Scale bars: 10 μm (full size) and 5 μm (zoom). E. Schematic illustration of SCRN1 recruitment to ER membranes upon increasing VAP levels. F. COS7 cells co-expressing HA-VAPB with GFP-SCRN2 or GFP-SCRN3 with normalized intensity plot of indicated line (dotted). Scale bars: 10 μm (full size) and 5 μm (zoom).