Feline Lindhout

118 4 Figure 3. VAP-SCRN1 interaction at the ER is mediated by a single FFAT-like motif A. Schematic overview of SCRN1 and VAP constructs (asterisks represent mutations). Indicated is if expressed VAP/SCRN1 proteins co-localize in both hippocampal neurons and COS cells, and co- precipitate in pull-down assays. B. COS7 cells co-expressing GFP-SCRN1 with HA-VAPB-K87D/M89D. Normalized intensity plot represents indicated line (dotted). Scale bars: 10 μm (full size) and 5 μm (zoom). C. COS7 cells co-expressing HA-VAPB with GFP-SCRN1-Y40A, GFP-SCRN1-F144A, GFP-SCRN1-