Feline Lindhout

168 & CURRICULUM VITAE Feline Willeke Lindhout was born on the 18th of October 1990 in Tilburg, the Netherlands. In 2009, she finished her secondary education (VWO, Sint Odulphus Lyceum, Tilburg). Because of her broad interest in biology, chemistry and physics she decided to study Biomedical Sciences at Utrecht University that same year. During her studies she was also engaged in extracurricular activities, as she was chairman of an activity committee and member of a female organization of a student association. Additionally, she worked as a teacher assistant at the Utrecht University, gave scientific workshops at high schools and contributed to an outreach project organized by National Genomics Infrastructure. In 2013, she finalized her education with an internship at the department of translational neuroscience at University Medical Center Utrecht and obtained her Bachelor’s degree. Motivated by her interest in brain functioning, Feline continued her education that same year at Utrecht University with a master’s in Neuroscience and Cognition and with a focus on molecular and cellular neuroscience. During this two-years research Master’s program she performed a first research internship in the laboratories of prof. dr. Casper Hoogenraad and dr. Corette Wierenga at the Utrecht University studying the role of molecular motors in synaptic functioning. To broaden her horizon she then left for San Diego to perform a second internship in the laboratory of Gentry Patrick at University of California San Diego, funded by the scholarships Jo Kolk Studiefonds and K.F. Hein Fonds, studying the role of protein turnover at synapses. During her Master’s education she was also co-founder of Rise Philippines, a fund-raising event for the damages cost by super typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. In 2015, she finalized her Master with a writing assignment under supervision of prof. dr. Casper Hoogenraad at Utrecht University and obtained her Master’s degree. Driven by her growing fascination for molecular and cellular neuroscience, Feline started her PhD research in 2015 in the laboratory of prof. dr. Casper Hoogenraad at the department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Biophysics at Utrecht University which resulted in this current dissertation.