Hester Paanakker

6.3.1 Data collection 138 6.3.2 Heuristics 140 6.4 Results 141 6.4.1 The severity and manifestation level of value divergence between prison officers, management, and policy advisors 141 6.4.2 The nature of value divergence between prison officers, managers, and policy advisors 143 6.4.3 Policy implementation problems 146 6.4.4 Experience of moral dilemmas 150 6.5 Discussion 154 6.6 Conclusion 158 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION 161 7.1 Answering the main research question 161 7.1.1 Part 1: value convergence and value facilitation according to prison officers 163 7.1.2 Part 2: value convergence and mutual perceptions between different levels 164 7.1.3 Part 3: the effects of value divergence 165 7.1.4 In conclusion 167 7.2 Limitations of the study and an agenda for future research 169 7.3 Academic contributions 172 7.4 Contributions to policy practice 176 APPENDICES 181 APPENDIX A Interview protocol prison officers 183 APPENDIX B Interview protocol middle managers 187 APPENDIX C Interview protocol managing directors 191 APPENDIX D Interview protocol policy advisors 195 SUMMARY IN ENGLISH 199 SAMENVATTING (SUMMARY IN DUTCH) 207 ABOUT THE AUTHOR 215 REFERENCES 219 13