Hester Paanakker

6.3.1 Data Collection In this study an explorative and inductive research strategy is used (De Graaf, 2005; De Graaf & Huberts, 2008; Eisenhardt, 1989; Glaser & Strauss, 1967). A multiple case study design focuses on understanding the dynamics present within single settings (Eisenhardt, 1989; Herriott & Firestone, 1983; Robert K. Yin, 1989) in order to generate theory in the shape of propositions (Gersick, 1988; Harris & Sutton, 1986). This method is fitting when not much is known about the phenomenon that is researched, or when the phenomenon is so complex that neither the variables nor the exact relationship between the variables is fully definable (Hoesel, 1985). This last aspect is of specific importance in our research. A case study in the Dutch prison sector was conducted to offer some first steps in exploring the effects of value divergence on public service delivery. Data collection consisted of a triangulation method of participatory observation (spread over 75 hours of day, evening and weekend prison officer shifts across eleven different departments), document analysis (policy documents, ministerial memos, organizational reports and newsletters, inspection and evaluation reports), and a total of 55 in-depth semi-structured interviews. To account for interorganizational differences, data was collected in two different penal facilities that differed in geography and size (north-west versus south-east, urban versus rural, large versus small) and detention phase (detainees awaiting their verdict and convicted detainees). Other than that, the cases share many characteristics. Both facilities attend to a detainee population of adult males and employ prison officers with identical task descriptions and work conditions. Both facilities deal with the same pressure of coping with severe employee and budget cuts, and both facilities endure drastic reorganization measures with very similar consequences for prison personnel (one was in the process of being shut down completely, the other was in the process of merging with another facility). In terms of policy content, both were implementing a new Modernization Program that put more emphasis on prison officers being responsible for behavioral motivation and the rehabilitation of the detainee, stimulating greater self-efficacy among detainees, and stronger collaboration with chain partners with the aim of reducing recidivism (Dutch Correctional Agency, 2009c). This Modernization Program set out to improve the realization of the sector’s 138 Chapter 6