Hester Paanakker

APPENDIX D INTERVIEW PROTOCOL POLICY ADVISORS Introduction My name is Hester Paanakker and I am conducting PhD research at the Department of Public Administration at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. My research is about core visions on the penal job. In the first place I examine the similarities and differences between visions down vertical lines. Next, I examine the effects of such similarities and differences on how the prison officer experiences and carries out the penal job. Included are prison officers (the largest group), middle managers, managing directors and their staff, and the Custodial Institutions Agency (DJI) headquarters. I start with actors employed at headquarters, because of their helicopter view on the prison system. This interview with you is part of that. This interview will last an hour at most. The results will be processed anonymously and quotes cannot be traced back to individuals. Am I allowed to record the interview? This is for personal use only. Do you have any questions before we start? Interview Questions (Part 1: Craftsmanship, Ideal Values, and Institutional Facilitation) 1. For the sake of completeness, I would like to note down some of your details. This information cannot be traced back to individuals. Gender: Age: Years of service: 2. Can you briefly explain what your current position is about and how you see your role in the prison system? 3. What, to you, characterizes a good penal climate? What does a detainee need during detention, or not? 4. What, to you, characterizes good prison policy? 5. In your opinion, what characterizes the current core vision/mission of the Dutch prison system? 6. If you were to describe this vision/mission in three key values, which key values would, in your opinion, best describe its foundation? 7. Are these key values implemented in or translated to concrete policies? If so, in what way? Can you give some examples? 195 Interview protocol policy advisors