Hester Paanakker

The chapters in this thesis each report on a particular subset of the data. Not only in terms of the number and type of respondents (see table 1), but, depending on the research question it addresses, also on a different type of data. For instance, the first two chapters (Chapters 2 and 3) in part 1 build on data on perceptions of ideal values and perceptions of the actual value facilitation of prison officers in the light of craftsmanship. The chapters in part 2 (Chapters 4 and 5) report on data on actual and mutual value perceptions of frontline craft between the different levels of respondents. And in part 3, Chapter 6 analyzes data on a shared vision of values between the different levels of respondents, and its effects with respect to prison service delivery in general. The methods are extensively discussed in the different chapters of this thesis. The full interview protocols are attached in the appendices. 1.5 Outline of the Thesis The three subsidiary parts, i.e. the research questions of this thesis, are addressed in five subsequent chapters. Notwithstanding the fact that the distribution and relatedness of these chapters has been carefully thought out, these chapters have been written as individual articles that have had different publication outlets. Therefore, each chapter has its own theoretical grounding, methodological setup and analytical angle. The reader will notice the chapters align in terms of the overall topic of value convergence and craftsmanship, but might show slight differences in terminology or conceptualization. Sometimes this is for the purpose of the stand- alone character of the chapter, but more often it signals how the chapters build on and enrich each other, and how the line of reasoning has matured over time because of new insights from previous chapters. Table 1.1 further explains the outline of the thesis and how the chapters relate to the different parts. Per chapter, the table also specifies the data sources used, the methods applied, and the current status of publication. The content of the chapters is explained in more detail below. Table 1.1. Outline of the thesis chapters Research Question Chapter Data Source Status RQ1. What do values of public craftsmanship constitute, both in terms of ideals and in terms of their institutional facilitation, in the 2. Professionalism and public craftsmanship at street level Field observations, document analysis, and interviews with prison officers Published as a book chapter in Paanakker, H., A. Masters & L. Huberts (eds.) Quality 24 Chapter 1