Hester Paanakker

administrative practice of the frontline, and to what degree are those views convergent among prison officers? from one correctional facility ( N= 18) of Governance: Values and Violations . Cham: Palgrave Macmillan (2020, single authored) 3. Values of public craftsmanship: The mismatch between street-level ideals and institutional facilitation in the prison sector Field observations, document analysis, and interviews with prison officers from two correctional facilities ( N= 32) Published in The American Review of Public Administration (2019, single authored) RQ2. To what degree are prison officers’ views on street-level craftsmanship convergent with the views on street-level craftsmanship of prison middle management, prison senior management, and penal policy officials, and what explains their mutual perceptions? 4. Perceptions of the frontline craft: Assessing value convergence between policy makers, managers and street-level professionals in the prison sector Field observations, document analysis, and interviews with policy advisors, and prison officers, middle managers, and managing directors from two correctional facilities ( N= 55) Published in Administration & Society (2020, single authored) 5. Value contextuality in public service delivery. An analysis of street- level craftsmanship and public–private partnerships Literature review and synthesis of the results of previous chapters, supplemented by a case study on public–private partnerships Published in Public Integrity (2020, first author, co- authored with A. Reynaers) RQ3. How and to what degree does value 6. Public values in the frontline: The Field observations, Submitted to a journal (first 25 Introduction