Hester Paanakker

convergence between prison officers and their superiors’ at middle, senior, and policy management level affect public service delivery at the frontline? effect of value divergence on public service delivery in a case study of the Dutch prison sector document analysis, and interviews with policy advisors, and prison officers, middle managers, and managing directors from two correctional facilities ( N= 55) author, co- authored with G. de Graaf and L. Huberts) Chapter 2. Professionalism and Public Craftsmanship The first empirical chapter is exploratory by nature and sets out to perform the groundwork for the drawing up of the framework of values and craft. It was written as a book chapter in the edited volume Quality of Governance: Values and Violations (Paanakker, Masters, & Huberts, 2020). It positions the topic of the thesis within the debate on the overall quality of governance by exploring quality in public professions by means of public craftsmanship – both theoretically and empirically. As the first chapter of this thesis, it aims to map what it means to be a “good” public administrator according to prison officers themselves. In addressing the question “What value orientations do public professionals have towards public craftsmanship and how convergent are these?” it covers the first half of the first research question of the thesis. Based on the analysis of street-level prison officers within the setting of a single correctional facility ( N =18), the chapter concludes that the specific work context is paramount in identifying and prioritizing a compact set of public service delivery values. However, prison officers are shown to make their own personal compilations of values when it comes to value enactment in practice. This shows that, in practice, values may be translated to rather different applications of concrete skills, knowledge and practices in order to deliver good work. Or, put differently, translated to rather different ways of good craftsmanship in practice. The results call for a focus on apprehending the meaning of values in specific professional work contexts, and for a move from the study of broad, predefined, and prearranged value sets to concrete articulations of values and the disparate nature of their actual application. 26 Chapter 1