Hester Paanakker

The data analysis consisted of a systematic content analysis through software-supported (MAXQDA) coding: a process of attaching distinct labels to data segments to organize, classify and conceptualize the interview material (Friese, 2012; Miles & Huberman, 1994). In the belief that ‘a properly developed code is more than just a descriptive label’ (Friese, 2012, p. 94), the coding system was developed largely inductively, using two-stage coding to build categories from the bottom up (Bazeley, 2007; Friese, 2012; Kuş Saillard, 2011). During the first stage, open coding was applied to the data to explore and create subcategories of values that provide ‘a good description of heterogeneity and variance in the data material’ (Friese, 2012, p. 113). We united data segments with similar content into mutually-exclusive codes to create a methodological hierarchical coding system that reflects the data in all its facets (Friese, 2012, pp. 130-131). Next, we set out to find common denominators by renaming, modifying and integrating sub labels into larger overarching coding categories (Friese, 2012, pp. 130-131). ‘Going back and forth between data and codes’ (Weiss, 1994, p. 156), this validated version was applied to the data set at large and allowed us to grasp the subtleties of value orientations and compare them between respondents. Concretely, this means that qualities as mentioned by respondents were inductively aggregated and classified into four main categories of values: humanity, security, reintegration, and task effectiveness. The overarching value categories are described thus:  Humanity orientations refer to the idea that detainees are to be treated as humanely as possible, with a detention climate and staff approach that first and foremost sees the person behind the detainee.  Security orientations contain the key notion that detention should first and foremost be executed safely and should be aimed at maximizing safety and security for both employees and detainees and at minimizing occurrences of aggression, violence and crime within the penal facility.  Reintegration orientations were depicted as a direct investment in stimulating detainees’ rehabilitation so as to obtain a life(style) free of criminal activity in the long term.  Task effectiveness orientations can be defined as being granted the time and means to conduct everyday business effectively, without unnecessary unrest, distraction or time constraints getting in the way and salting the game. 47 Craftsmanship at Street Level