Hester Paanakker

reaching its full potential and characterize the current penal vision in terms of negative attitudes towards the actual institutional context. It includes overall frustration with the job (10), too much work pressure (mentioned by 9 respondents from one facility only), poor communication within the facility and between prison officers on the floor (8), uncertainty among employees about future job prospects due to cutbacks (6), workplace rotation due to shortage of staff (6), and excessive administrative tasks (5). No less than 26 out of 32 respondents indicate task negativity as a core component of the institutional context of street level practice. Together, they mention some form of task negativity 44 times. Table 3.3. Accommodation of craftsmanship in institutional practice according to prison officers Institutional facilitation of public craftsmanship according to prison officers (N=32) Categories Experienced institutional focus No. of respondents mentioning this Task negativity (44) As overall frustration with the job 10 Too little time/too much work pressure 9 Poor communication within the facility 8 Uncertainty about future job prospects due to cut backs 6 Workplace rotation 6 Excessive administrative tasks 5 Efficiency (36) Cutbacks 24 Personnel cuts 7 Mobility of personnel 5 Reintegration (13) Change mindset and behavior of detainee during detention 7 Return to society 6 Task Effectiveness (10) Box ticking and number obsession 10 Humanity (7) Detainee given responsibility 7 83 Mismatch Between Ideals and Institutional Facilitation