Hester Paanakker

86 This was exemplified in finding that the values respondents mention in this study differ quite significantly from the values that public values literature generally puts forward in that they are very specifically tailored to the unique tasks professionals perform for the specific type of beneficiaries they serve. Nevertheless, and paying due regard to their own unique prioritizations and compilations, they reveal themselves in a surprisingly convergent way, and offer scant acknowledgement of existing institutionalized means in favor of personal professional realization and interpretation. This indicates some interesting areas for further research into the commonality of street level understandings of craftsmanship values in specific professions: Proposition 1: Street level professionals convergently identify and comprehend a set of values of public craftsmanship unique to their public service sector, but place different emphases on the associated professional skills and practices. Proposition 2: Street level professionals are more informally than formally socialized into craftsmanship values and tend to more strongly appreciate the enactment of craftsmanship ideals through their own individual, informal and intuitive behavior than through the use of formal institutionalized tools and measures. Second, the findings call for greater attention to be paid in public values research to practical institutional contexts and their impediments. The “full” manifestation of a value depends on the combination of qualities of persons and qualities of the governance processes. In our study, for instance, reintegration is about prison officers seeking to change behavior in one-on-one interaction with detainees, but is also about institutional facilitation of chain partner cooperation and detainee skills training. Future research across different service sectors and service types will be needed to account for variance in organizational and institutional culture and in institutional facilitation. But there is often a clash in reconciling intrinsic motivations and values with systems that are geared towards instrumental outcomes, a clash that public professionals across service domains in the public sector potentially recognize and share. Here, the craftsmanship perspective clarifies the nature and context of value interdependency and conflict. With value pluralism and value balancing in street level penal craftsmanship 86 Chapter 3