Hester Paanakker

9 By now I have moved to another university, from the VU to the RU, from the concrete colossus in Amsterdam that will always remain my academic “home” to the green campus in my hometown Nijmegen. Here, I would like to express a word of thanks to my new colleagues for making me feel welcome, for putting up with my severe case of “baby brains” (which apparently is the term for pregnancy dementia in English) during the first few months of my appointment, and for granting me the time to finish my dissertation! In addition, I am very grateful for the support I received from people who live afar, but feel so close. In the UK, Kay Caldwell, for her fantastic language editing, with a personal touch. Ozzie Adam Masters for always making me laugh, and Anna Simonati (Italy), Lijing Yang (China) and Anne-Marie Reynaers (Spain) for their friendship and cheerful pep talks. Thank you for the fun and fruitful collaborations, PhD related and beyond. And then there are the most important people. My sweet, handsome, funny, supportive partner Antony Schraven, and my sunshine girls Lune (4 years old, but almost 5), Soof (just turned 3, but wishing it had been 4), and Fehla (10 months old, perfectly satisfied with her age, except for the semi-ban on sweets). I do not know where to start thanking you. The list is endless. I am fully aware this dissertation is as much a product of your support as it is a product of my effort. Thank you for being the loves of my life, for your cheerfulness, your jokes and laughter, for the little adventures we create together, and for always being there for me. Liefje, thank you for putting up with all the hours I put in to finish this dissertation. I fully intend to make the most of my payback time! The same goes for my dear parents, my wonderful sister, and my precious friends. I love you all very, very much. So now comes the time to fully return to my family, to feet in the grass, endless dancing, singing and playing with my wonderful three girls, and time for everything (and everyone) put on hold during these last weeks (or longer) of finalizing my thesis. I am looking forward to it. A wise man once told me life is all about priorities, and a wise woman that responsible scholarship includes standing your ground to a poor work life balance. As scholars of management, leadership and good governance, we should practice what we preach. I intend to take their advice to heart. Before she curled up in her festively decorated tipi, my beloved four-year-old suggested I type the following to end my dissertation with: “And then came the prettiest elephant.” I could not think of a better ending. Hester Paanakker 9