Anne-Marie Koop

114 Author Year Title PMID Embase Accession ID Qipshidze, et 2012 Autophagy mechanism of right ventricular 22101525 x al. 47 remodeling in murine model of pulmonary artery constriction. Mosele, et 2012 Effects of purple grape juice in the redox- 22441302 x al. 48 sensitive modulation of right ventricular remodeling in a pulmonary arterial hypertension model. Khoo, et al. 49 2012 Obesity-induced tissue free radical 22564528 x generation: an in vivo immuno-spin trapping study. Fang, et al. 50 2012 Therapeutic inhibition of fatty acid 21874543 x oxidation in right ventricular hypertrophy: exploiting Randle’s cycle. Fang, et al. 51 2012 Comparison of 18F-FDG uptake by right 23130105 ventricular myocardium in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension and pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with congenital heart disease. Wong, et al. 52 2013 11C-Acetate clearance as an index of 23735834 oxygen consumption of the right myocardium in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension: a validation study using 15O-labeled tracers and PET. Sutendra, et 2013 A metabolic remodeling in right 23846254 x al. 53 ventricular hypertrophy is associated with decreased angiogenesis and a transition from a compensated to a decompensated state in pulmonary hypertension. Piao, et al. 54 2013 Cardiac glutaminolysis: a maladaptive cancer metabolism pathway in the right 23794090 x ventricle in pulmonary hypertension. Drake, et al. 55 2013 Chronic carvedilol treatment partially 23632417 2013387359 reverses the right ventricular failure transcriptional profile in experimental pulmonary hypertension. Alzoubi, et 2013 Dehydroepiandrosterone restores right 23585128 x al. 56 ventricular structure and function in rats with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension.