Anne-Marie Koop

126 Author Year Title PMID Embase Accession ID Zhu, et al. 105 2017 LOX-1 promotes right ventricular 28259654 20170244516 hypertrophy in hypoxia-exposed rats Wang, et al. 106 2017 Oxidative profiling of the failing right heart 28472095 20170340497 Xu, et al. 107 2017 in rats with pulmonary hypertension. PPARγ Alleviates Right Ventricular Failure 29151490 Secondary to Pulmonary Arterial Dos Santos 2017 Hypertension in Rats. Pterostilbene reduces oxidative stress, 28703274 20170659486 Lacerda, et prevents hypertrophy and preserves al. 108 systolic function of right ventricle in cor Puukila, et 2017 pulmonale model Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside attenuates 28321539 20170209991 al. 109 cardiac hypertrophy and oxidative stress in monocrotaline-induced right heart Saygin, et al. 110 2017 dysfunction Metabolic and functional evaluation of the 28597761 20170459867 heart and lungs in pulmonary hypertension by gated 2-[18F]-Fluoro-2- deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography Siqueira, et 2018 Effects of ovariectomy in antioxidant 28854338 al. 111 defence systems in right ventricle of female rats with pulmonary arterial hypertension induced by monocrotaline.