Anne-Marie Koop

3 131 in vivo measurements parameter meta- analysis model effect (increased compared) duration effect effect of degree of pressure load FDG-uptake ↑ (0.000) ~ ~ ~ Glycolysis – whole cells (i.e. Langendorf, Seahorse) ↑ (0.000) ~ N/A N/A Respiratory capacity, carbohydrates – isolated mitochondria (i.e. Oroboros, Clark-type) ↘ (0.085) ~ ~ ~ Respiratory capacity, carbohydrates – whole cells (i.e. Langendorf, Seahorse) ↘ (0.082) MCT vs. PAB and FHR ~ N/A Respiratory capacity, fatty acids – isolated mitochondria (i.e. Oroboros, Clark-type) ↓ (0.001) ~ ↘ (0.130) ~ Respiratory capacity, fatty acids – whole cells (i.e. Langendorf, Seahorse) ~ PAB vs. SuHx. N/A N/A combined measurements parameter meta-analysis model effect duration effect effect of degree of pressure load Mitochondrial content ~ ~ ~ (≤6 days (0.002)) ~ ↑ significant increase or positive relation; ↓ significant decrease or negative relation; ↑ positive trend (p<0.15); ↓ negative trend (p<0.15); ~ unchanged .