Anne-Marie Koop

186 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLES Supplemental table 1. Hemodynamic data measured with echocardiography or cardiac catheterization. control PAB pooled time points 2 weeks 5 weeks 12 weeks heart rate (bpm) 398±9 364±21 308±9* 350±12 left ventricular stroke volume (mL) 0.336±0.009 0.358±0.031 0.397±0.020*# 0.420±0.032*† eccentricity index end systolic 1.108±0.049 0.628±0.084* 0.560±0.038* 0.696±0.057* eccentricity index end diastolic 1.061±0.034 0.743±0.103* 0.693±0.045* 0.726±0.031* right ventricle / left ventricle ratio 0.687±0.019 1.548±0.171* 1.642±0.090* 1.562±0.191* right atrium width (mm) 4.520±0.260 5.825±0.899 6.718±0.273* 6.344±0.295* right atrium length (mm) 2.520±0.154 3.650±0.851 4.755± 0.230* 4.989±0.371* workload (mmHg x mm) 4.549±0.233 11.789±1.227* 14.846±1.295* 14.048±0.862* Values are mean±SEM. * = significant difference compared to control (p-value < 0.05). # = significant difference compared to PAB two weeks (p-value < 0.05). † Significant difference compared to PAB five weeks (p-value < 0.05). PAB = pulmonary artery banding. Supplemental table 2. Gene expression at mRNA level compared to pooled control. fold change PAB versus control 2 weeks 5 weeks 12 weeks GAPDH 1.095±0.133 0.899±0.055 0.933±0.069 α -MHC 0.726±0.098 0.622±0.046* 0.668±0.081* β -MHC 3.353±0.653* 3.929±0.445* 3.871±0.405* PPAR α 0.940±0.351 0.885±0.065 0.914±0.125 PGC1 α 0.908±0.236 0.694±0.062 0.716±0.085 CDS 1.061±0.120 1.048±0.092 0.936±0.091 PLA 2 0.832±0.103 0.912±0.161 0.676±0.060 TAZ 0.991±0.042 0.981±0.042 0.907±0.048 GLUT1 1.449±0.319 1.193±0.150 1.015±0.166 IL-6 7.389±4.097* 2.225±0.897 1.230±0.375# IL-33 0.957±0.150 1.164±0.182 0.830±0.069 SOD 1.152±0.127 1.211±0.061 1.184±0.075 Values are mean±SEM. * = significant difference compared to sham (p < 0.05), # = significant difference compared to PAB two weeks (p < 0.05). PAB = pulmonary artery banding. PPARα = peroxisome proliferator- activated receptor alpha, PGC1α = peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha, CDS = cytidinediphosphate-diacylglycerol synthase, PLA2 = phospholipase A2, TAZ = tafazzin, GLUT1= glucose transporter 1, CD68 = cluster differentiation 68, GDF-15 = growth differentiation factor 15, IL-6 = interleukin 6, IL-33 = interleukin 33, SOD = super oxide dismutase.