Anne-Marie Koop

5 209 previously published formulas 50 . 5. Statistical analyses 5.1. Open the software used for data visualization and statistical analyses. 5.2. Sort the data per group (PAB and sham) with every group in a separate column. 5.3. Use the Mann-Whitney test to compare PAB versus sham for every variable. REPRESENTATIVE RESULTS Mortality rate of the PAB surgical procedure is around 10%. The presented results show characteristics of mice in the sham (n = 5) and PAB (n = 8) groups. As shown in figure 3 , PAB gradient values significantly increased compared to sham animals at 2 and 6 weeks after PAB. This increase of loading caused RV dilatation expressed as increased RV, EDV, and RV ESV ( figure 4a,b ). RV dysfunction occurred as RV EF decreased ( figure 4c ). RV SV remained unaffected ( figure 4d ). RV ED and RV ES mass increased, indicating right ventricular hypertrophy ( figure 4e,f ). LV EDV and LV ESV decreased ( figure 4g,h ). LV function in terms of LV EF and LV SV was unaffected ( Figure 4i , j ). Neither LV ED or LV ES mass changed ( Figure 4k , l ). Septal flattening at both end-diastole and end-systole occurred, reflected by significant decreases of both eccentricity indexes ( figure 4m,n ). Heart rate and SVwere not different between PAB and sham animals and thus CO was unaffected ( figure 4p,q ). Figure 4o shows representative CMR images at midpapillary level, in end-diastole (top) and end- systole (below) in sham (left) and PAB (right).