Anne-Marie Koop

238 Figure 4 . Assessment of left ventricular remodelling induced by PAB upon cardiac overexpression of miR-199b. a) Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of miR-199b expression in LV tissue from WT and MHC-199b animals either after sham or PAB surgery, n=5-8 hearts; b) relative LV mass, LV mass of WT sham was set as 1; c) High-magnification of representative images of histological sections stained for Sirius-red; d) Quantification of collagen deposition in c, n=30 microscopic field/heart, 3 hearts, black scale bar is equivalent to 20 mm; e) High-magnification of representative images of histological sections stained for wheat germ agglutinin (WGA); f) Quantification of cell surface areas in e, n=30 microscopic field/heart, 3 hearts; g) relative capillary density