Anne-Marie Koop

3 69 If the concerning study did not provide the exact number of animals used for the test of a particular variable, the mean of the range of the number of animals reported in the concerning study was presented in our figures. The number of included animals per model provided in the current figures, may give a slight overestimation in case of multiple groups using the same control group. RESULTS Identified studies In total, 1393 unique citations were identified, as shown in figure 1 . Based on title abstract screening, 1282 citations were excluded. Of the 111 articles selected for full text review, 86 articles concerned animal studies and 28 articles concerned human studies, three articles described both (see supplemental table 1 ). After full text review, 35 studies were excluded because no control group for the metabolic variables was included (n=22), no increase in RV pressure was measured (n=11), or full text was not available (n=2). The former involved mostly the human studies. We included 28 studies for meta-analysis ( supplemental table 1 ), two of the studies described both human and animal data (Piao, 2013 16 and Gomez-Arroyo, 2013 27 ).