Dunja Dreesens

103 Methods We applied the Standards for reporting qualitative research (SRQR) and Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative studies (COREQ) for this article (191, 263). Study design We conducted semi-structured, face-to-face interviews to gather ‘deep’ information and perceptions of the participating pediatricians using a phenomenological approach (264, 265). This qualitative research method emphasizes the importance of personal perspective and interpretation. It is a suitable method for gaining insight into participants’ motivations and actions and understanding subjective experience. Researchers’ characteristics The second author (LV) conducted the face-to-face interviews, with the assistance of JW and NW. LV, NW and JW were sixth year medicine students carrying out a science research internship at Maastricht University. There were no prior relationships between the participants and any of the authors. We informed the participants of the researchers’ background and their roles in the PhD-research of the first author (DD), (1) at the time of recruitment, and (2) at the start of the interview. The interviewer (LV) had no previous experience with interviewing. She was trained on the job by TVDW and DD and closely supervised by the research team through regular meetings and feedback on audio-recorded interviews. Participants We purposively sampled pediatricians with experience in providing palliative pediatric care. The respondents were also purposeful sampled regarding tenure (professor, specialist, fellow); age; and gender. We recruited pediatricians from five subspecialty divisions: oncology, metabolic diseases, neurology, intensive care and neonatology at three university based pediatric centers in the Netherlands. These centers were UMCG, MUMC+ and Amsterdam UMC location AMC. We tailored the approach to each pediatric center to ensure timely recruitment of participants. Participants were approached via personal mailings sent by the author linked to the specific pediatric center or via personal invitations by one of the authors (LK, EV). The interviews took place at an office in the hospital in the second quarter of 2014. During the interview, only the participant and interviewer were present. Data collection Based on the relevant literature and the guideline Palliative care for children (PCFC), an interview guide was developed (266). Box 1 contains an overview of the (recommendations of the) guideline. The research team discussed the interview guide within the research team and the guide was piloted in two interviews. We followed an iterative approach; meaning that the interview guide was adjusted – if needed – in response to the preceding interviews (see Appendix 2). Chapter 6