Dunja Dreesens

105 Results Sample In total 22 pediatricians were approached to be interviewed and 15 agreed to participate (Table 1). Three were moderately interested and preferred to decline, three did not respond and one pediatrician was not interested in the subject and declined. The participants consisted of two professors, 12 medical specialists, and one fellow. Nine of them had 15 years of experience or more. Data collection The 15 interviews lasted between 20 and 75 minutes (average 48 minutes). Data saturation occurred after eight interviews; no new codes emerged from the data. Table 1: Characteristics of the interviewed participants INTERVIEW # PER SPECIALISM GENDER HOSPITAL CODE DURATION OF INTERVIEW (MINUTES) Oncology 1 M 1 58 10 F 3 75 11 M 2 43 15 M 3 34 Intensive care 8 F 1 30 9 M 2 60 Metabolic disease 3 M 1 54 6 M 1 47 12 M 3 39 14 F 3 20 Neonatology 2 F 1 65 5 M 1 46 13 M 2 48 Neurology 4 F 1 45 7 M 1 57 Abbreviations table 1 F Female M Male Chapter 6