Dunja Dreesens

117 Clinical practice guideline (CPG) CPG: description - CPG definition - Scope of CPG concept (= broad concept) - Multidisciplinary CPG - CPG synonym/related term (reference point, reference work) - Difference between protocol/CPG CPG: qualification - CPG qualification: evidence-based - CPG qualification: legibility (illegible) - CPG qualification: size (too big) - CPG qualification: everyday practice CPG: use/practice - Use - Level of care being protocolised - Physical CPG use (opening the CPG) - Level of CPG use - (condition of CPG use) = manageability - CPG as a checklist - CPG searchability - CPG supports decision-making - CPG scope for deviation / non-compliance - Care ≠ 100% evidence-based - Working according to CPG - Care covered by CPG - Importance of CPG to parents/patients - Contribution of CPG to patient contact - Difference between CPG in theory and practice - CPG and doctor’s legal position CPG: knowledge - CPG internationalization (knowledge) - Limited knowledge of professionals (e.g. due to specialization) - CPG makes knowledge accessible - CPG if knowledge area is not part of daily routine - CPG as counterweight to ‘random’ information - Knowledge-sharing in a profession not practiced by a lot - Guideline = knowledge instrument CPG: uniformization - Importance of uniformization - Uniformization (due to working with protocols/ guidelines) = - Inter…variation (professional, center, …) CPG: development and implementation - CPG development process - Purpose of international cooperation (e.g. in CPG development) - CPG and local implementation - Difference between CPG and local practice Shared decision making (SDM) SDM: description - SDM definition - SDM definition unknown - SDM = modern healthcare - SDM ≠ paternalism - SDM = Multidisciplinary meeting (MDM) - SDM = freedom of choice - Care = SDM SDM: information - SDM = inform patient/parents SDM: option - SDM = options incl. pros and cons - SDM = optional talk after MDM (with parents) - SDM = point out consequences of preferences - SDM = explain possibilities - SDM = steer towards a decision - SDM ≠ steer towards a decision SDM: decision - SDM = shared decision-making (patient + doctor) - SDM = share the decision-making - SDM = together - SDM = parents/patient decide - SDM = parents agree with chosen policy - SDM = involving the child in the decision-making - SDM = doctor decides in case of superior option - SDM = parents decide in case of grey area - SDM = discuss consequences of decision - SDM = make agreements - SDM = seek consensus - SDM = second opinion - SDM = agreements in MDM - SDM = live with decision - SDM = patient/parents take no medical decisions - SDM = shared decision-making not compulsory SDM and consult/talk - SDM = importance of interaction - SDM = conversation technique - SDM = room for acceptance - SDM = transparency - SDM = gather support - SDM = keep in touch/show (and maintain) interest - SDM = room for discussion - SDM = share precautions - SDM = check that info/discussed topic has been understood - SDM = give room if parents disagree with policy - SDM = create openness in first discussion - Conversation techniques contribute to SDM - SDM = importance of non-verbal communication - Medical interns conduct no palliative care (PC) discussions - Trap: think on behalf of parents/patient - Trap: fall back on knowledge (instead of feeling) - SDM = room for emotions - Doctor knows what patient/parents want Appendix C - Code book final - English Chapter 6