Dunja Dreesens

119 - CPG PCFC provides support - SDM language use in CPG PCFC - CPG PCFC includes social context - CPG PCFC is problem-oriented - CPG PCFC color use is useful - CPG PCFC in digital format only is fine - Set of recommendations = summary - Relation between topic size and CPG size - Relation between CPG comprehensiveness and CPG size GPG PCFC: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) - CPG PCFC = EBM CPG PCFC: Palliative Care (PC) CPG PCFC: decision-making and organization - Positive about CPG PCFC layout - Negative about CPG PCFC layout - Decision-making (belongs) in CPG - Reach agreements regarding decision making (= CPG PCFC recommendation) - Organization of care (belongs) in CPG CPG PCfC implementation: - App improves CPG PCFC implementation Patient Decision Aid (PDA) - Preference for oral advice rather than PDA - PDA incomplete - PDA useful to patient/parents - PDA not useful to patient/parents - PDA is handy = useful to doctor? - Comprehensiveness of PDA information / checklist - PDA n/a or not required Implementation Local implementation - No implementation on ward - Implementation by ambassador/ward Promotion of implementation - Implementation thanks to publicity - Implementation thanks to CPG PCFC evaluation - CPG PCFC dissemination - Usefulness of CPG summary for implementation - Implementation thanks to peer review (= added value according to CPG) - CPG must influence user action (= added value according to CPG) - Implementation thanks to feedback of CPG compliance (= added value according to CPG) Obstacles to implementation - CPG delivery ≠ implementation - Necessity of CPG implementation prior to application - No active reminder to implement CPG PCFC File/notes Record keeping - (Limited) record in file - Record keeping by letter - File: summary of discussion with parents - Record keeping equals policy note keeping - Parental opinion/decision in file - Notes in file for transfer purposes - Note in file regarding personal experience of patient/parents CPG PCfC file recommendation - CPG file recommendation (unknown) Multidisciplinary meeting (MDM) - No parents in MDM - MDM options to be proposed to parents Chapter 6