Dunja Dreesens

129 discern and mitigate possible biases. To prevent that the perspective of the researchers was not clear to outsiders, the research was put into context (also called ‘confirmability’). By being aware of this and acknowledging these experiences and beliefs, we tried to be as open minded as possible, and not to dismiss any data of face value. Another means to increase dependability, the so-called SRQR and/or COREQ checklists were applied for all the studies in this thesis, except chapter five. SRQR stands for ‘Standards for reporting qualitative research’ and consists of 21 items. The aim of the checklist is to improve the transparency of all aspects of qualitative research. COREQ is the abbreviation of ‘Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research’ and focuses on interviews and focus groups. It aims for explicit and comprehensive reporting of qualitative studies by providing a 32-item checklist helping researchers to report on aspects such as the research team, study methods, context of the study, findings, analysis and interpretations (191, 263). Planned versus realised Related to dependability is the chosen research method. The method was chosen after formulating the aim and the research question(s). However, when I started my thesis, the research plan consisted of two parts: a theoretical part and an empirical one. The empirical part was to test some of the findings yielded by the theoretical research, in clinical practice. The findings of the theoretical part could have been corroborated, refined or disproven. It would have made the results more robust and additionally, it would have put the results more into context. Due to personal health circumstances, I had to put aside much of the work done by Lotte Veul, Nicole Wijnands (systematic review) and Jonne Westermann (patient file audit). This was unfortunate for me but even more for them. Despite this, I think the remaining empirical chapter (chapter six; interviews) – to which all three contributed – shows the value of letting practitioners reflect on what the clinical practice guideline Palliative care for children wanted to achieve and how it was received. Breadth versus depth Lastly, this thesis does not always delve as deep as other theses do. This could be considered a weakness. However, I would prefer to regard the thesis approach as a strength, as it tries to present a integral, complex picture, building bridges between (perceived as) separate worlds, and it searches for links and connections between and draws from different scientific fields. By having worked in different areas of health care, but also outside health care enables me not only to discern the gaps between the different areas more clearly but also enables me to see where the different areas overlap, both inside and outside health care. Which is a reflection of my background, having been and still being embedded in policy, research and partly in healthcare practice. Funding Funding (in kind) and means were provided by Maastricht University/CAPHRI, ZonMw, Zorginstituut Nederland and Kennisinstituut van Medisch Specialisten. Synmind provided their expertise in kind (chapter three). The researcher received no funds from commercial organisations. Chapter 7