Dunja Dreesens

17 of Care and the other platforms were merged with the then Health Care Insurance Board (CVZ) resulting in the new National Health Care Institute (ZIN). This institute was assigned to maintain the quality, accessibility and affordability of health care in the Netherlands. Specifically, for the task health care quality, which was where I was assigned to, it had – and has – to contribute to good health care by helping the parties involved to continually improve health care and help patients find their way to good-quality care. The institute therefore: Encourages and supports healthcare parties responsible to develop quality standards, such as CPGs, and relevant measurement tools; - Encourages healthcare parties to comply with these quality standards; - Provides insight into the quality of care provided. This information helps patients make choices in health care and facilitates the supervision of health care (12). - At the institute, I was lead of the project with the aim to develop a long-term agenda for clinical practice guideline development and implementation in the Netherlands (also known as Meerjarenagenda). Looking back, 2011/2012 turned out to be a pivotal year. Six years after being introduced to the world of clinical practice guidelines, it had been expanded with the worlds such as knowledge, quality of care, evidence-based medicine, shared decision-making and implementation. It had also sparked my interest in (the effect of) language. Figure 1: Worlds in health care During those years, I have had the chance to work with a multitude of people and parties from various backgrounds such as healthcare professionals, patients, payers, administrators, and politicians. Moreover, I encountered them in various settings: research, policy and practice. People and parties with different expertise as knowledge production, tool development, implementation, monitoring, quality improvement and communication, but also people and parties with their own perspectives, stakes, expectations and terminology. For me these worlds felt as one, but while navigating these worlds I noticed this was not the case for everyone. In the next part, I will offer a glimpse into these worlds (see figure 1). Chapter 1