Dunja Dreesens

175 the acceptability and feasibility of the draft criteria by gathering experiences with the draft guidance from knowledge tool developers; WP4/ the Dutch Federation of Patients’ Organisations (AK) organised the consensus procedure aiming to support the guidance by national stakeholders. Work package 1 We searched for formal criteria and methodologies in the scientific literature, in policy reports, and on websites by developers of guidelines and patient decision aids. The search strings that we used to explore PubMed are described in Table 1, as are the websites to search for the grey literature. This inventory supplied the basis for the first draft of the guidance. One of the researchers of WP1 made a first selection of the search based on title and abstract, and excluded references clearly not fulfilling the inclusion criteria. All full-text versions that resulted from this first selection were downloaded and assessed along the pre-set in- and exclusion criteria. In case of doubt a second researcher was consulted to reach consensus on in- or exclusion. Inclusion criteria for literature on patient versions of guidelines: - The paper describes the development process of a patient version or lay summary of a clinical practice guideline. - Explicit description of the methods used (be it short or extensive) for development. - English or Dutch language. Exclusion criteria: - Papers describing only the process of patient participation in development of a clinical practice guideline. Inclusion criteria for literature on patient decision aids: - The title reports the term ‘development’ or ‘design’. - The abstract reports the development of a patient decision aid as the aim of the paper. - Description of development process of disease specific or generic decision aids. - Explicit description of the methods used (be it short or extensive) for development. - English or Dutch language. Exclusion criteria: - Papers describing development of tools that stretch further than patient decision aids (e.g. social support, self-management). - Papers describing development of tools on other decisions than medical decisions. Valorisation chapter