Dunja Dreesens

176 Table 1: Search strings used to explore Pubmed, and websites used to search for grey literature Search strings Patient information based on guidelines - (((method*[Title/Abstract] OR approach*[Title/Abstract] OR framework[Title/Abstract] OR develop*[Title/Abstract] OR creat*[Title/Abstract])) AND (“patient version*”[Title/Abstract] OR “information for the public”[Title/Abstract] OR “public information”[Title/Abstract] OR “patient booklet*”[Title/Abstract] OR booklet*[Title/Abstract])) AND (“clinical practice guideline*” OR “Practice Guidelines as Topic”[Mesh] OR “quality standard*”) - (“Practice Guidelines as Topic”[Mesh] OR “Practice Guideline” [Publication Type] OR guideline*) AND “patient version” AND develop* - Patient decision aids - “Decision Support Techniques”[Majr:NoExp] AND (method*[tiab] OR approach*[tiab] OR framework[tiab] OR develop*[tiab] OR creat*[tiab]) AND (“Patient Satisfaction”[Mesh] OR “Patient Participation”[Mesh] OR “Patient-Centered Care”[Mesh])) Websites - Dutch Knowledge Institute of Medical Specialists - Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation - Guidelines International Network, Patient and Public Involvement working group - UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) - German Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin (ÄZQ) - Finnish Duodecim - Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) - USA Oncoline Kaiser - USA Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) - Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (CTFPHC) - IPDAS working Group www.ipdas.ohri.ca - Patient Decision Aids Research Group https://decisionaid.ohri.ca - The Preference Laboratory http://optiongrid.org/option-grids/about-the-grids - Mayo Clinic for shared decision making http://shareddecisions.mayoclinic.org - DECIDE research Group www.decide-collaboration.eu - Joanna Briggs Institute University of Adelaide http://joannabriggs.org Work package 2 The project was coordinated via monthly meetings with all WP leaders, complemented by numerous one-to-one contacts. We used definitions of the patient-directed knowledge tools that were recently formulated in another Dutch national consensus procedure; see Box 24-25 . The findings from the literature review were used to draft the first set of the minimal quality criteria for development, content and governance of patient-directed knowledge tools. The findings of the feasibility checks (WP3) and consensus meetings (WP4) were used to write the second and third draft of the guidance. Box 1: The Dutch definitions of the patient-directed knowledge tools. 24-25 Patient information based on a guideline (= patient version of a guideline): Explanation of a specific condition or (health) care issue based on a guideline; made available to patients and their next of kin; provides information on available care choices and the care that they can expect from the care process. Valorisation chapter