Dunja Dreesens

192 - Dirksen CD, Utens CM, Joore MA, van Barneveld TA, Boer B, Dreesens DH, et al. Integrating evidence on patient preferences in healthcare policy decisions: protocol of the patient-VIP study. Implement Sci. 2013;8:64. - Van der Wouden H, Kortekaas M, Dreesens D, Keuken D, Dekker J. Alledaagse ziekten: wat heeft 10 jaar subsidie opgebracht [Every day diseases; what results did the funding programme deliver], Huisarts en Wetenschap. 2013;5:202-207 - Richtlijn voor richtlijnen [Guideline for Guidelines]. 2010, 2011 (1 e herziening) en 2012 (2 e herziening)), Regieraad Kwaliteit van Zorg, Den Haag - Glossarium Kwaliteit van Zorg [Glossary Quality of Care] (red.). 2011, Regieraad Kwaliteit van Zorg, Den Haag - Van Everdingen JJ, Dreesens DH, Tuut MK. Regie over richtlijnen [Advice on guidelines: planning for guideline development in the Netherlands]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2010;154:A1599. - Kwaliteitscanon Kwaliteit [Quality Top 100 in Health Care] (red.), 2010, Regieraad Kwaliteit van Zorg, Den Haag Conferences and abstracts - Key-note speaker KNGF scientific international conference (2018) Lost in translation, 4th ER-WCPT Conference on Clinical Guidelines ‘Bringing evidence into practice’, KNGF, Den Bosch, Netherlands - Oral presentation, 1st Annual Implementation Science Research Conference, 2018, King’s College, London, UK; Guideline implementation in real life; the gap between the developer, the medical association and the professional - Key-note speaker, GuíaSalud & Spanish Ministry of Health, 2017, Madrid, Spain: - Jornada Científica - Shared decision making and clinical guidelines https://images.app . goo.gl/MyaV8PS4fpgtRpR39 - Oral presentation, ISDM 2017, Lyon, France: - Supporting patient-centred care; making knowledge tools more accessible to patients, and professionals - Oral presentation, G-I-N 2017, Cape Town, South Africa: - Plotting instruments, implementation and evaluation on a quality cycle to improve care and cooperation - Poster, G-I-N 2016, Philadelphia, United States of America: - The right tool for the right job: a framework for patient direct knowledge tools - G-I-N Working Group AID workshop - Research forum NIVEL & Zorginstituut Nederland, 2016, Utrecht, Netherlands - Information and shared decision-making - Oral presentations, G-I-N 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands: - Is it chaos? And can we unravel it? A RAND modified Delphi for knowledge instrument types; - Integrating guidelines and SDM: Paediatricians reflecting on CPG Palliative Care for Children; - Ariadne principles; multimorbidity and guidelines (Multimorbidity panel); - Modular guidelines and multimorbidity; - Workshop Patient participation in guideline development. - Oral presentations, ISDM 2015, Sidney, Australia: - Integrating a guideline and shared decision making: paediatricians reflecting on the clinical practice guideline Palliative Care for Children; - Unravelling chaos: a modified RAND Delphi to limit the number of knowledge tools in the Netherlands and to define them at a national level Bibliography