Dunja Dreesens

The research presented in this thesis was conducted at CAPHRI Care and Public Health Research Institute, department of Family Practice at Maastricht University. CAPHRI participates in the Netherlands School of Public Health and Care Research (CaRe). The studies in this thesis were supported by grants from and in kind by: - ZonMw, the Netherlands organization for health research and development – grant for the project Development of patient information and patient decision aids alongside clinical practice guidelines, (project number 0-83900-98-350) for chapter four and the valorisation chapter, and in kind; - Zorginstituut Nederland (National Institute of Health Care) – financial contributions for chapters three and four, and in kind; - Kennisinstituut van Medisch Specialisten – financial contribution for chapter four, and in kind; - Synmind - in kind contribution to chapter three. Colofon Cover photo: Dunja Dreesens, Salt Lake City, USA, 2017 Cover design and lay out: www.verapost.nl Printing: Ridderprint | www.ridderprint.nl © Copyright: Dunja Dreesens, Maastricht 2020 ISBN: 978-94-6416-175-5