Dunja Dreesens

200 Due to the merger of the Council with other advisory boards, I came to work with the new National Health Care Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland) (2012) and was responsible for the long-term agenda for clinical practice guideline development and implementation in the Netherlands (also known as Meerjarenagenda). Not agreeing with the direction the institute was taking, I returned to ZonMw (2014). This time, as work package lead of the EU Joint Programming Initiative Antimicrobial Resistance (JPI AMR). In this capacity I contributed to the booklet Antibiotic resistance; what if antibiotics are no longer effective? Feeling I was drifting away from my PhD subject, I asked around within my network what a suitable working place would be for a person such as me. I ‘ended up’ at the Knowledge Institute of Medical Specialists (2015), as senior advisor and team lead. At the beginning of the guideline programme at ZonMw, I was interviewed and the article inadvertently referred to me as having a PhD. When rectifying this with the programme committee, some members said that they would welcome me if I ever wanted to do a PhD with them. In 2011 an opportunity arose when committe member Trudy van der Weijden was appointed professor at Maastricht University. Coming full circle, back in my home town, I started my PhD in summer 2012 and my PhD thesis was accepted in spring 2020. Still a proud Mestreechteneer , but living happily together with her tough Scot Andrew McBride, and kittens Zoomer & Loki in happening The Hague. About