Dunja Dreesens

53 Legend table 2 ✔ Selected in survey ✗ Not selected in survey c Tool types added by National Health Care Institute d Tool type added by project group TM Option Grid: decision aids are brief, easy-to-read tools that help patients and providers compare healthcare options, focusing on the questions patients most frequently ask when they need to make preference-sensitive decisions (154). Two additional tools were mentioned by more than three participants: ‘Option Grid TM ’ and ‘guidance’. After discussing the results, the project group decided to merge the tools ‘pharmaco-therapeutic guideline’, ‘multidisciplinary guideline’ and ‘clinical practice guideline’ into a single tool ‘clinical practice guideline’. Furthermore, the project group decided to keep four tool types on the list even though less than 50% of the participants considered them important. We considered two of these kept-on tool types – ‘information standard’ and ‘guideline module’ – to be too new and therefore probably too unknown to the participants to be assessed without a definition. Regarding the third kept-on tool type ‘clinical pathway’, we decided that this tool name was better established than ‘care pathway’ and the project group argued whether the experts would be able to distinguish between these tool types, and if so, how they would distinguish between them. Finally, we considered the fourth kept-on tool type ‘viewpoint’ of added value to and different from ‘clinical practice guideline’, and wanted to know whether the experts shared our opinion. The participants of the survey were informed of the results and decisions by the project group. The list after the survey finally included 22 tool types to be assessed in the Delphi (Figure 2 and table 4). * From the 18 tool types in the 2 nd Delphi round it was suggested that five should be merged. The definitions of the to be merged tool types were not assessed again, leaving 13 tool definitions. Chapter 3 Figure 2: Assessment and number of tools in survey and Delphi process