Dunja Dreesens

56 Table 4: Tool types (22) assessed in Delphi, clustered per target group CONSENSUS ON TOOL TYPE IMPORTANCE DEFINITION PATIENTS / NEXT OF KIN Patient decision aid ✔ ✔ merge d Option Grid TM - - Information folder - - Patient leaflet ✔ - merge d Patient version (of CPG) ✔ - HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS Guideline-like tools Care module - - Care standard - - Clinical practice guideline (CPG) ✔ ✔ merge d Clinical practice guideline module ✔ - ‘Helping hand’/guidance - - Norm c - - Viewpoint - - Derivatives from CPG Care pathway - - merge d Clinical pathway - - Decision tree ✔ - merge d Flow chart ✔ ✔ Indicator c - - Protocol ✔ ✔ Summary (of CPG) ✔ ✔ UMBRELLA TERMS AND OTHER TOOLS Information standard c - - Quality assessment framework c - - Quality standard - - NUMBER OF TOOLS 22 9 5 Legend table 4 ✔ Consensus in Delphi on importance or definition - No consensus nor dissensus on importance or definition c Tool types added by National Health Care Institute d Tools that were merged in Delphi round 2 e This merged tool type was renamed: Patient information Chapter 3