Dunja Dreesens

59 Appendix A – Scoring analysis of RAND-modified Delphi LIKERT SCALE SCORE 0 - 2 3 - 5 6-8 IMPORTANCE OF TOOL unimportant neutral important AGREEMENT DEFINITION disagree neutral agree Consensus (important tool a/o agreement with definition) if: median ≥ 6 AND 70% of scores in Likert score group 6 - 8 Consensus (unimportant tool a/o disagreement with definition) if: median ≤ 2 AND 70% of responses in Likert-score group 0 - 2 Discussion if: 30% of responses in group 0 - 2 AND 30% of responses in group 6 - 8 Scoring result is valid if: responses ≥ 9 per question In the first round, the participants indicated for each tool: - whether they were familiar with the tool, and, if yes, how so. If the participants were unsure, they could skip to the next tool; - the (level of) importance of the tool in knowledge translation and/or supporting decision-making (Likert scale: 0 - not important at all; 8 - very important). If the participants scored the tool 0-2, they could skip to the next tool; - the (level of) agreement with the definition provided for the tool (Likert scale: 0 - total disagreement; 8 - total agreement). In the second round, the first question on familiarity was omitted. Chapter 3